This may be the starting point of other species life and finally it will also touch "Homo sapiens" Wonder what is this its our Human (click n check) Species...
The media has been very supportive and has covered the plight of House Sparrows from time to time which has helped in creating lot of awareness at both local and national level for which I thank them all. In order to create more awareness and provide scientific information on the decline of House Sparrows I have created this website. I am not a profeesional web designer kindly excuse me for any mistakes or inconvinience caused while navigating through the webpages and kindly bring the same to my attention so that I can improve this website.
Common House Sparrows are declining through out the world and the same is the case of India. Where wide spread reports are comming from different parts of the country. The situation is serious as House Sparrows are indicators of the environment and the decline indicates that there is something seriously wrong with the environment in which we all live. Many resons may have contributed for the decline of House Sparrows like increasing use of pesticides, lack of insect food, lack of nesting sites, lack of food and the electromagnetic waves from mobile towers. we all hope so that we'll stop polluting our city and save this kind of species at the end of their life.
Great job thank u for sharing the info,hope so wat ur willing comes true in future.