Parents should be always behind a child until he/she completes his teenage watching there each and every steps and also to make them and lead them in to the way of successes, Technological Advancement as many good stuffs at the same time it does bad, in a really bad manner its a knife How we use it is matters, In recent days mobile phones where popular and playing a lead role even School children where seen using mobile very frequently. Are they really using it for calling/sms when we look closely the answer i found is NO!
Vast number of cyber crimes and unwanted/obscene visuals been viewed and shared amongst the children and youth, so mobile phone is the closest killer Next its none other than computers with/without internet connection.
We can say a system with internet connection is the most powerful killer of youth mind, A report says that the most searched sites are Adult sites when these children see this kind of unwanted and obscene visuals they become addicted and indulge in bad activities so, "I am not saying this is wrong, But it is wrong when it is not at the right age". As also said in Tamil as "பிஞ்ஜில பழுத்துசி" so the guidance of the parents on their children should always be there to shape their children future.
Message For Children :- "Seeing Obscene/unwanted Visual May not Kill You but your future"
Message For Parents :- "Guide your children and always be behind them"
Message For Adult-youth :- "Always have a eye around you ;)"
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